Tuesday 16 September 2014

You are such a LIAR!

You are such a LIAR!

I have lied on people's face. Honestly, I was just insulting their dignity.

Sometimes I would sheepishly say "It was just a WHITE LIE!"
What is a WHITE LIE?

White Lie - Meaning
Photo Courtesy: Google Search

A quote by Lucy Hale on White Lie.
Photo Courtesy: http://quotes.lifehack.org/quote/lucy-hale/but-little-white-lies-here-and-there/

We think a little white lie is of no harm to tell. But, your brain just becomes a dustbin full of those wasteful lies. 

 Why would I want to remember that, I was down with dengue on 14th of February 20** while my friend was getting married and she really expected me to attend it? Whereas, I was actually sitting on my couch watching a movie, too lazy to attend the wedding!

People have their goody good reasons jotted down as a safe justification for their little lies. 

I think, people lie sometimes to avoid confrontations, to save face, to get one's way, for personal gains, even to come out as a nice person and sometimes just to make oneself feel good about their self-deceptions!
I have tried them all as per the situation's demand but, have my own regrets because of the outcomes they had. I had to face their consequences in some way or the other. Even my master brain could keep a record of only a few. Naturally, people even start pointing out that "You know sweety, you are a terrible liar!".
Sometimes, I personally let people lie their ass out when i know the truth. 
Its funny when they don't know that you know what they think you don't know!
Phoebe in friends - Funny Moment gif.
Photo Courtesy: http://www.smartsnobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/8b09b9cca4f9f64c3bcfe35f83beedc7.gif

But, what I really want to say is, 
Why Lie?
Why undermine people's trust?
Why treat relationships as a one-off transaction?
Why torture your brain emotionally?
Why compromise on your ethics?

Give yourself a chance to improve. Go ahead and give people a chance too!  

I also know its difficult for a person to practice the path of truth, but why not start with baby steps? :)
Please share your views and opinions about the topic.
Would also like to know if any grammatical error is made in this blog post.
You can reach me on amreenbanokhan@gmail.com.